Salado basin laboratory
Our work focuses on studying the spatial-temporal dynamics of different communities (phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish) of the province’s watersheds of Buenos Aires, especially that of the Salado River and the bodies of water associated with the same; evaluating, among other things, how different types of stressors, whether they are natural (e.g., predation, floods, or droughts) or anthropic (e.g., land uses, pollutants, dredging works), can modify them.
We are also interested in analyzing the responsiveness of these assemblies of species and their resilience; studying water connectivity between different habitats from a comprehensive perspective, which includes the social perspective in relation to tourism, environmental education, and the sustainable use of natural resources common.
We are currently working on three main lines:
- Evaluate hydrological connectivity and the role of systems associated with the main course of the river, such as overflow lagoons or wetlands, and its effects on the structure and dynamics of the assemblage of species in the plankton and fish.
- Know the assemblage of plankton (plant and zoo) and environmental factors that modulate it, in Pampas lagoons and particular environments such as are the cavas (environmental liabilities), in relation to their use as sites to develop multipurpose aquaculture projects of native fish, from a socio-ecological and transdisciplinary perspective.
- Evaluate the use of the fishery resource as a sporting activity, and its social and economic implications in environments of the Salado, Samborombón and del Plata.
Video filmed over the Romero Bridge (near San Miguel del Monte) showing part of the Las Flores System, with the Salado River itself and the Las Flores Grande lagoon. It can be seen that the river carried a lot of water, with a speed of flow high.
Fig. 1: Daphnia spinulata - Fig. 2: Experiments conducted with the cladoceran Daphnia magna, to study how plastic degradation products (BPA) and changes in temperature (constant or fluctuating heat waves) affect some traits of their life history (growth, reproduction and molting). - Fig. 3: Notholca sp. This organism is part of the zooplankton, we usually find it in the river Salado and other environments and one of its characteristics is that it is an indicator of cold water.

M. Fernanda Alvarez

Javier García de Souza

Tomás Maiztegui

Analía R. Díaz

Hernán Benítez

Matilde Vojkovic

Ailen Solanas
– Alvarez, M. Fernanda; Villar-Argaiz, Manuel; Vela Soria, Fernando; Fernández Zambrano, Alejandra; Medina-Sánchez, J. Manuel; Carrillo, Presentación. Thresholds and interactive effects of BPA-gradient and temperature on life history traits of Daphnia magna Environmental Pollution; Año: 2024 vol. 355
– Zaplara, V. S.; Solari, L. C.; Gabellone, N. A.; Benítez, H. H. Effects of surface runoff from agricultural soils on the succession of microconsumer organisms in a lotic mesocosm Aquatic Sciences; Año: 2024 vol. 86
– Lompart, F.; Maiztegui, T.; Colautti, D. C.; Hudson, R.; Baigún, C. R. M. Recreational fishing in the lower basin of the Santa Cruz River 1 (Patagonia, Argentina) in the face of damming scenarios Ecología Austral; Buenos Aires; Año: 2024
– Cifuentes, M. R., Cisneros Basualdo, N. E., Ruíz de Galarreta, V. A., Gabellone, N. A., & Rodríguez, C. I. (2024). Hydrological consequences of land use changes on a dammed urban basin. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 10(3), 1-14.
– Jaureguizar, A.J.; Cortés, F.; Maiztegui, T.; Camiolo, M.D.; Milessi, A.C. Unraveling the environmental influence on inter-annual fishery yield in a small-scale gillnet fishery under Rio de la Plata influence, South America Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science; Año: 2024 vol. 303
– Díaz A.R. & Adami M.L. “First record and redescription of Kurzia cf. media Birge, 1879 (Crustacea: Chydoridae: Anomopoda) in Argentina. Aceptado. Spixiana. 2024.
– Díaz A.R., Campos, R. & Martens, K. “A new species of Elpidium (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from bromeliad and non-bromeliad phytothelmata in the northeast of Argentina”. Aceptado Zoological Studies 2024.
– Javier Garcia de Souza, María Fernanda Alvarez, Bianca Cortese, Paula Altieri y Carolina Monti. El desafío de la comunicación pública de la ciencia a nivel institucional: una reflexión situada. Journal of Science Communication (JCOM América Latina). En prensa. 2024
-Zaplara, V.S.; Solari, L.C.; Gabellone, N.A.; Benítez, H.H. Succession of microconsumers in waterlogged pampean soils (Buenos Aires, Argentina): a microcosm experiment Aquatic Sciences; Año: 2023 vol. 85
-Arnal Nathalie; Alvarez, M. Fernanda; Mancini Verónica. Algunas reflexiones sobre las metodologías usadas en la enseñanza universitaria en contextos de pandemia y post-pandemia COVID-19. Trayectorias Universitarias; La Plata; Año: 2023 vol. 9
-Analía, R. Díaz; Moica Tassara; Damborenea, M. Cristina Update of the parasitic crustacean holdings housed in the Museo de la Plata, Argentina. Revue Suisse de Zoologie; Genève; Año: 2023 vol. 130 p. 93 – 98
-García Ignacio; García de Souza Javier R.; Plaul Silvia Elena; Miranda Leandro; Colautti Darío C. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on ovarian maturation in the small characid fish Cheirodon interruptus. Journal of Applied Aquaculture; Año: 2023
-José de Paggi, Susana B.; Marinone, M. Cristina; Küppers, Gabriela C.; Claps, M. Cristina; Paggi, Juan C. Taxonomic Diversity of the Freshwater Zooplankton in Argentina: A Review Limnologica; Año: 2023
– García de Souza Javier R.; Yorojo Moreno Vivian; Sathicq, M. Belén; Gómez, Nora; Sampietro, Susana; Donadelli, Jorge; Colautti, Darío C. The performance of ecological cage aquaculture of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis in Pampean lakes under two different hydrological scenarios Aquaculture Research; Año: 2022
– Alvarez, M. Fernanda; Benítez, Hernán H.; Ferrando, Noelia S.; Claps, M. Cristina; Gabellone, NÉSTOR A. Strategic population responses of Daphnia spinulata Birabén, 1917 to salinity changes through laboratory bioassays Austral Ecology; Año: 2022 vol. 47 p. 1652 – 1667
– Küppers, Gabriela C.; Bazzurri, M.E; Neschuk, N.C; Claps, M.C. Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on plankton ciliates from a saline lowland river in South America Aquatic Microbial Ecology; Año: 2022 vol. 88 p. 43 – 59
– Gomez, Nora; Siri, Augusto; Rodrigues Capítulo, Leandro; Colautti Darío C.; Alcalde, Leandro; Rodrigues Capítulo, Alberto; Donato, Mariano; Alvarez; M. Fernanda; García de Souza, Javier; Jensen, Roberto F.; Bauer, Delia; Maroñas Miriam; Paredes del Puerto, J. Martín ; Altieri, Paula; Armendariz Laura; Benítez, Hernan; Cassano, M. Julia; Cortese, Bianca; Di Giorgi, Hugo; Donadelli, Jorge; Nicolosi Gelis, M. Mercedes; García, Ignacio; Maiztegui, Tomás; Paracampo, Ariel; Sanchez, Rocío; Sathicq M. Belén; Rodríguez Catanzaro, Ludmila. Effects of urban demand for food and water on physicochemicals and biotic structure of riverine wetlands in the Pampean plain Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology; Año: 2022
– Maiztegui, T.; Paracampo A.; Liotta, J.; Cabanellas, M. E.; Bonetto, C.; Colautti D. C. Freshwater fishes of the Río de la Plata: current assemblage structure Neotropical Ichthyology; Año: 2022 vol. 20 p. 1 – 39 (compartida Lab. Peces)
– Cifuentes, M. R., Rodríguez, C. I., Ruiz de Galarreta, V. A., & Gabellone, N. A. (2022). Dinámica hídrica y balance hidrológico en la cuenca del embalse Lago del Fuerte, Tandil
-Díaz, A. R. “Ostracoda de Aguas Continentales” En: Claps, L.E., S.A. Roig-Juñent & J.J. Morrone (Directores). Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos. ISBN 978-950-554-907-8. Volumen 5. Editorial INSUE UNT, San Miguel de Tucumán,
Argentina. 2023 (
Projects & Services
Proyects I + D
Proyecto: Influencia de la conectividad hidrológica sobre el plancton y los peces en la cuenca del río Salado (Provincia de Buenos Aires
Directora: M. Fernanda Alvarez, Co-director: Javier Garcia de Souza. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).
Proyecto: Dinámica espacio-temporal del plancton en ambientes someros de la cuenca del río Salado (Buenos Aires): Efectos de acciones antrópicas, controladores biológicos y regulación de las interacciones fluvio-lacustres. Directora: M. Fernanda Alvarez. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT) (FONCyT
“Evaluación de la pesca deportiva y su relación con la dinámica del ensamble de peces en la Franja Costera Sur del Río de la Plata”.
Director: Tomás Maiztegui. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT) (FONCyT).