Fish ecology

This working group is dedicated to studying fish assemblages from continental aquatic environments and their relationship to the characteristics of the ecosystem and its social environment. The demographic characteristics of fish populations of shallow lakes, streams and the Rio de La Plata estuary are investigated and the anthropic impact on them is assessed in order to achieve progress in their conservation, management and exploitation. Research is carried out both basic and applied in fish ecology with an emphasis on the structure, function and dynamics of populations, as well as aspects related to their feeding, reproduction and growth. Responses from fish stocks under natural conditions and under different degrees and types of land uses and pollution are analyzed. Work is also underway on the development of technologies for the promotion of ecological aquaculture of native species. In this sense, innovative experimental fish farming techniques for pejerrey and mojarras are being developed, through the use of floating cages, mainly in shallow lakes of the Province of Buenos Aires. The team of the Fish Ecology laboratory also provides advice to community sectors related to the administration, management, conservation and sustainable use of resources by mean of extension, communication, academic training and participative workshops.


Fisheries resources, trophic relationship, ecological aquaculture, environmental impact, technological development, floating cages, pampean lakes, urban streams, Río de La Plata

Working group head

Dr. Darío C. Colautti    


Lic. Miriam E. Maroñas (Support staff)


Dr. Javier Garcia de Souza (Associate researcher)


Dr. Tomás Maiztegui (Assistant researcher)


Dr. Ignacio García (Assistant researcher)


Lic. Ailen Solanas (Scholar)

Lic. Vivian Yorojo Moreno (Support staff)



+54 (221) 422-2775 – Intern: 36,37,41