The team carries out various lines of research, some of which are particulars of certain members and others transversal to all of them. Two types of fundamental tasks are carried out that have herpetofauna as their objective: (1) to analyze the bone homology of the anuran skull in the context of Lisamphibia and other tetrapods and, (2) to, mark and recapture, stomach flushing, sex ratios of anurans, snakes and freshwater turtles, among other data,. In particular, health aspects in freshwater turtles are evaluated in relation to different impacts in the environments where they live, and aspects of the biology of the the endangered freshwater turtle Acanthochelys pallidipectoris: diet, size-class distribution, sexratio, health status, abundance and phylogeography amso in comparison with another turtle with which it shares habitat: Kinosternon scorpioides. Finally, other research line comprises the diversity and abundance of the herpetozoan groups from the Pampa Ecoregion in Buenos Aires province (Argentina),I taking into account different land uses and the impact of urbanization on herpetological communities.