Plankton and Biofilms Laboratory

Plankton and biofilms laboratory

The laboratory studies aquatic microorganisms, focusing on planktonic communities and biofilms in continental water bodies. Through field studies and laboratory experiments, the structure and dynamics of microbial communities are analyzed to identify reliable biotic indicators for water quality and habitat assessment. The research aims to understand microbial community dynamics, assess environmental impacts, develop biomonitoring techniques, and create standardized water quality protocols. This integrated approach allows advancement in the understanding of aquatic ecosystems while developing practical tools for environmental monitoring.


The laboratory focuses on basic and applied research in bioindication with studies on habitat modifications, pollution impacts (including emerging pollutants like microplastics) and microbial biodiversity across specific, genetic, functional, and structural dimensions. The research findings support biomonitoring activities across different aquatic ecosystems such as estuaries, rivers, lagoons, and reservoirs. Additionally, the laboratory maintains an active knowledge transfer program through education and outreach activities to benefit both the scientific community and society at large.



– Alfonso, María B.; Scordo, Facundo; Epele, Luis B.; Isobe, Atsuhiko; Akmentins, Mauricio S.; Albariño, Ricardo; Albarrán, Katya K.; Allende, Luz; Andrade Muñoz, Alan S.; Ansoar Rodríguez, Yadira; Arias, Andrés H.; Balseiro, Esteban; Berenstein, Giselle A.; Bertrand, Lidwina; Blettler, Martín C. M.; Buria, Leonardo M.; Cochero, Joaquín; Di Prinzio, Cecilia Y.; Diaz, Boris; Diaz, Yamila; Diodato, Soledad L.; Echaniz, Santiago A.; Espino Penilla, Marisol; Fasanella, Mariana; Fernandez, Marina O.; Fontanarrosa, María S.; Franco, Mailén; Franceschini, Celeste; Gastón, María S.; Giorgi, Adonis; Granitto, María; Gultemirian, María L.; Guzmán, Atilio E.; Kuroda, Jorge A.; Macchi, Pablo A.; Mora, Guillermo A.; Nieto, Carolina; Novarese, Pamela D.; Ossana, Natalia A.; Padulles, María L.; Pazos, Rocío S. et al  2024.  Filling the Gap: A Comprehensive Freshwater Network to Map Microplastics across Ecological Gradients in Argentina Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin; Año: 2024 vol. 33 p. 85 – 88

– Nicolosi Gelis M.M; Cannino A.; Bouchez A., Doimazon I., Laplace 2024 “Assessing the relevance of DNA metabarcoding compared to morphological identification for lake phytoplankton monitoring -Treyture C., Rimet, F., Alric., B. Science of The Total Environmet.. DOI:

– Nicolosi Gelis M.M; Cochero J; Mujica M.A.; Donadelli, J.L.; Astoviza M.J; Gómez N. 2024 “Agricultural land use effects on the colonization dynamics of the benthic diatom assemblage of lowland streams” Limnology. 2024. DOI:

– Tarda, A. S., Saparrat, M. C. N., Pazos, R. S., & Gómez, N. 2024 Effect of glyphosate on the sporulation of aquatic fungi: an in-vitro experience. Aquatic Sciences, 86(3), 1-10.

– Nicolosi Gelis M.M; Cochero J; Bauer D.E, Gómez N. 2023 . Algal recolonization following an extraordinary drought in permanent lowland streams” Ecología Austral. 2023. DOI: 10.25260/EA.

– Pazos, R. S.,  Amalvy, J, Gómez, N. 2023 Metals on microplastics and their environmental consequences in freshwater ecosystems Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection

– Paredes Del Puerto, J.; Sathicq, M. B.; Altieri, P.; Nicolosi Gelis M. M.; Paracampo, A.; Pazos, R.; Tarda, A. S.; Gómez, N.; Colautti, D. Extreme drought conditions interact with urbanisation, affecting hydrological regimes and water quality in temperate lowland streamsAquatic Sciences; Año: 2023 vol. 86.

– Piccini, C., Devercelli, M., Yema, L., Segura, A., Bastidas Navarro, M., Sathicq, M. B., Martínez de la Escalera, G., Martínez Goicoechea, A., Rodrigues Amaral Da Costa, M., O’Farrell, I., Lara, E., & Kruk, C. 2023.From competition to cooperation: Paradigm shifts in trait-based ecology change our understanding of the processes that structure microbial communities. Ecología Austral, 33(3), 887–893.

– Gómez N., Siri A., Rodrigues Capítulo L., Colautti D. C., Alcalde L., Rodrigues Capítulo A., Donato M., Álvarez M. F., García de Souza J. R., Jensen R. F., Bauer D. E., Maroñas M., Paredes del Puerto J. M., Altieri P., Armendáriz L. C., Benitez H. H., Cassano M. J., Cortese B., Di Giorgi H. D., Donadelli J., Nicolosi Gelis M. M., García I. D., Maiztegui T., Paracampo A. H., Sánchez R. M., Sathicq M. B., Rodríguez Catanzaro L. 2022.Effects of urban demand for food and water on physicochemicals and biotic structure of riverine wetlands in the Pampean plain. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2021.08.006

– Nicolosi Gelis M. M., Sathicq M. B., Jupke J., Cochero, J. DiaThor: R 2022package for computing diatom metrics and biotic indices. Ecological Modelling, 465, 109859. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109859

– Tarda A. S., Saparrat M.C.N, Gómez N. 2022  Studies on aquatic fungi in Dikarya: a review of the literature from Southern Cone of South America An Acad Bras Cienc (94(2): e20201210 DOI 10.1590/0001-3765202220201210.

-Di Cesare A., Pinnell L. J., Brambilla D., Elli G., Sabatino R., Sathicq M. B., Corno G., O’Donnell C., Turner J. W. 2021.Bioplastic accumulates antibiotic and metal resistance genes in coastal marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 291. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118161

– Cochero J, Nicolosi Gelis M.M.; Donadelli J., Gómez N.2021 “Translocation of Epipelic Biofilms and Their Short-Term Responses to Urbanization Impacts in Nutrient Rich Streams” Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 2021. DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765202120210379

-Galafassi S., Sabatino R., Sathicq M. B., Eckert E. M., Fontaneto D., Dalla Fontana G., Mossotti R., Corno G., Volta P., Di Cesare A. 2021Contribution of microplastic particles to the spread of resistances and pathogenic bacteria in treated wastewaters. Water Research, 210. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117368  

– Garcia de Souza J. R., Yorojo  Moreno V., Sathicq M. B., Gómez N., Sampietro S., Donadelli J., Colautti D. C. 2021 The performance of ecological cage aquaculture of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis in Pampean lakes under two different hydrological scenarios Aquaculture Research. Vol. 52 Issue 10, pp. 4829–4840, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/are.15316.

– Pazos R. S., Amalvy J., Cochero J., Pecile M. A., Gomez N.2021 Temporal patterns in the abundance, type and composition of microplastics on the coast of the Río de la Plata estuary; Elsevier; Marine Pollution Bulletin; 168; 112382; 7-2021; 1-10

– Rodrigues Capítulo L., Laurencena P., García J.M., Gómez N., Kruse E.E. 2021. Aplicación de nuevas técnicas en la caracterización de humedales relacionados con el agua subterránea. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 132 (1-2): 7-14 ISSN: 0366-0176 DOI: 10.21701/bolgeomin.132.1-2.001.

– Sathicq, M. B., Sabatino, R., Corno, G., Di Cesare A. 2021 Are microplastic particles a hotspot for the spread and the persistence of antibiotic resistance in aquatic systems? Environmental Pollution, 279. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116896.

– Alvarez M. F, Benitez H. H., García De Souza J. R., Bauer D., Tarda S. A., Nicolosi Gelis M. M; Díaz A., Saparrat M. C. N.,Gómez N.2020. Los microorganismos que habitan los bañados de desborde fluvial como indicadores de los efectos de la urbanización y la actividad agropecuaria.  Biología Acuática, (35), 014.

– Nicolosi Gelis M. M., Cochero J., Donadelli J., Gómez N. 2020. Exploring the use of nuclear alterations, motility and ecological guilds in epipelic diatoms as biomonitoring tools for water quality improvement in urban impacted lowland streams. Ecological Indicators Vol. 110,

– Nicolosi Gelis M.M.; Cochero J. Sathicq,MB; Gómez N.  2020 .“Effect of pollution on early diatom colonisation on artificial substrata in urban lowland streams” Marine and Freshwater Research. 2020. DOI: 10.1071/MF19293

– Nicolosi Gelis M.M.; Mujica M.A, Pecile A; Donadelli J., Simonetti M., Gómez N., Cochero J. “Diatom motility and nuclear alterations are affected by sediment elutriates of agricultural streams” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020. DOI:

– Pazos R. S.; Suarez J. C.; Gomez, N. 2020.  Study of the plastisphere: Biofilm development and presence of faecal indicator bacteria on microplastics from the Río de la Plata estuary; Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre; Ecosistemas; 29; 3; 12-2020; 1-8 DOI:

– Sathicq,MB; Nicolosi Gelis M.M.; Cochero J. 2020 . Calculating autoecological data (optima and tolerance range) for multiple species with the ‘’ R package” Austral Ecology. 2020. DOI:

– Zanotti, C., Gómez, N. 2020. Observaciones sobre algunas características ecológicas de las plantas que habitan los bañados de desborde fluvial afectados por la urbanización y las prácticas agrícolas. Biología Acuática, (35), 012.


– Giorgi A., Domínguez E., Gomez N. 2022 Técnicas de monitoreo para ecosistemas lenticos de la Argentina /. – 1a ed. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Consejo Nacional Investigaciones Científicas Técnicas – CONICET, Formato Digital. ISBN 978-950-692-211-5, 240pp.

– Giorgi A., Domínguez E., Gomez N. 2022 Técnicas de monitoreo para ecosistemas fluviales de la Argentina /. – 1a ed. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Consejo Nacional Investigaciones Científicas Técnicas – CONICET, Formato Digital. 266 pp.

– Domínguez, E., Giorgi, A., Gómez, N. (Eds) 2020.  La bioindicación en el monitoreo y evaluación de los sistemas fluviales de la Argentina: bases para el análisis de la integridad ecológica. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires  Eudeba, 254 pp

Book Chapters

– Gómez N., Pazos R.S.2023  Algunas problemáticas ambientales de la Franja costera Sur del Río de la Plata. Parque Costero del Sur Parque Costero del Sur – Naturaleza, conservación y patrimonio cultural. Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara, 624pp. 

– Gómez N, Cochero J. Cortelezzi A. 2022 Protocolos para índices de hábitat y ribera: Región Pampas en   Técnicas de monitoreo para ecosistemas fluviales de la Argentina /. – 1a ed. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Consejo Nacional Investigaciones Científicas Técnicas – CONICET, Formato Digital. 266 pp.

– Markert B. Wünschmann S., De Marco S.G.,. Gómez N., Barral M.P., Marcovecchio J.E.(2021). El uso de bioindicadores y biomonitores como evaluadores ambientales en arroyos: definiciones, estrategias y aplicaciones. En: Arroyos mirando al sudeste : los cursos de agua del sudeste bonaerense desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar / María Paula Barral… [et al.]. – 1a ed. – Mar del Plata : Universidad FASTA, 2021.

– Arias A., Ronda A.C, Gómez N., Pazos R., Amalvy J., Dimauro R., Ondarza P., Miglioranza K. Marcovecchio J.2020. El impacto de los desechos plásticos y los microplásticos en la costa bonaerense. En: Residuos plásticos en Argentina : su impacto ambiental y en el desafío de la economía circular / Norma Sbarbati Nudelman ; editado por Norma Sbarbati Nudelman. – 1a ed volumen combinado. – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : ANCEFN – Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.

Projects & Services
Transfer last 4 years


Integrated Monitoring Program for Surface Water and Sediment Quality in the Matanza-Riachuelo Basin and the Río de la Plata, systematization of the information generated. Biological and habitat aspects.

Diatoms and river habitat


1- Limnological study of the Río III Reservoir

2- Water circulation of the cooling system

Participation in monitoring and diagnosis of lagoons and streams


PreserVamos: Citizen Science for Aquatic Habitat Monitoring

– Aguas Claras “PreserVamos: Citizen Science to Study Continental Aquatic Environments”. Bunge and Born Foundation. (Extension and transfer)

– Comprehensive project: “Where the waters meet” A territorial experience in defense of common goods in coastal environments, integrating socio-environmental knowledge, environmental education and citizen participation. 

OCS – 2023 – 285. Coordinated by FCEyN (Mar del Plata). (Extension and transfer).

Exploracuáticos: From 2021 to 2024

Contact: (0221) 4222775 - Int: 29