Study of lagoons of regulation and riverine wetlands, their role in the ecological integrity of the basins and in the mitigation of floods in the Pampean plain: measures for conservation, rehabilitation and management
Study of parasit-fauna and health status in freshwater turtles in Argentina: Interpretation of parasite-host-environment associations
Attenuation of the impact caused by agrochemicals in a wetland in a Pampean stream
Biodiversity and Biogeography of aquatic insects in Argentina
New benthic complex descriptors for the evaluation of pampean lotic systems oriented towards environmental sustainability
New benthic complex descriptors for the evaluation of Pampean lotic systems and their overflow bathing oriented towards environmental sustainability
Hydrological and ecological study of overflow bathing for the conservation of river systems and flood mitigation in the Pampean plain: measures for management and rehabilitation
Improvement of extensive and semi-intensive breeding systems for pejerrey using floating cages in Pampean lagoons.